If you’ve lived north of the Phoenix Metro Area for longer than 12-months, you are quite aware of the fact that Scottsdale’s winter weather can be extremely cold. Although Scottsdale is well-known for temperate climates during the day in the winter months, at night and in the early morning it is not uncommon to approach below freezing temperatures – which can pose several threats to the condition of outdoor and indoor items. And in order to reduce the chances of causing cold-related damage to inside or outside equipment, certain winterizing measures need to be achieved. Here are a few easy to complete tips for preparing the inside and outside of your home for the winter months in the Scottsdale area.
Simple Tips to Prepare for Scottsdale’s Freezing Winter Weather
Tip #1 – Winterize the Outside Water Features
Winter in Scottsdale tends to destroy in excess of 10,000 water pipes and sprinkler systems due to freezing temperatures and outdoor sprinkler systems that are not prepped for these conditions. Contrary to popular belief, most sprinkler systems in the Southwestern United States are not designed to withstand below freezing temperatures without some sort of help.
Here are two specific steps you can easily do to prevent damage to outdoor water pipes that power your water-systems.
#1: Wrap your exposed water pipes with insulation. You can easily find a standard outside insulation in most hardware stores like Home Depot or Lowes that are designed to wrap around outdoor water pipes which are exposed to elements. Never assume that if you have a plastic or ceramic rock covering these pipes is good enough to protect the pipes from freezing then cracking once it warms up. For more preventative information on protecting exposed weather pipes from freezing.
#2: Make sure to know where your water supply shut off is located and shut off all water to sprinkler systems. Most of the time, water being supplied to outside sources such as sprinklers will have a separate water supply which is split from the primary water to your home. If this is the case, shut it off in early November, when you won’t need to water your lawn or plants. Then consult with your irrigation specialist to determine how to blow the remaining water out of your pipes so they don’t freeze then crack.
Tip #2 – Inspect your Heating System
Another important step in preparing for Scottsdale’s winter is to have your heating system inspected and maintained before the temperatures get too cold – or before the system is used at all. During the off season, dust, debris and other contaminants can enter your heating ductwork and heating system. And once you fire up your inside heater, these contaminants can burn and produce unhealthy air to breathe. It also can cause a potential fire hazard as well.
This is why making sure to have your heating system inspected and tuned up by replacing filters, lubricating moving parts and replacing any worn-out parts is critical to ensuring your heating system is ready to go to keep you warm when it’s below freezing outside.
Tip #3: Make Sure Your Hot Water Heater is Inspected
Another big tip on keeping your house prepared for Scottsdale’s winter weather is to have your hot water heater inspected and set to a proper temperature. One way to reduce energy costs associated with winter weather in Scottsdale is to make sure your hot water heater does not overwork itself. This can easily be accomplished through a routine inspection and setting your water temperature a few degrees cooler than usual. The DIY Network has step by step instructions to help with inspecting your water heater.
When you are preparing your home for the winter weather, Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling can help ensure your heating unit stays in tip-top shape so your home maintains its peak warmth capacity and you don’t overspend each month on gas and electric utilities. You’ll be happy you were pro-active about preparing your Scottsdale home for the cold mornings… No one wants to deal with broken water pipes or an unreliable heating system. If you have any questions or need to service your heating unit to be safe, give our experienced staff a call, we’ve been the most reliable Scottsdale heating company for over 65 years! Call 480-359-7141.