It’s common to experience warm temperatures in the summer. But in Arizona, summers aren’t just warm. They’re hot. Average temperatures for Scottsdale, Arizona will reach... Continue reading
Monsoon season is upon us in Arizona. Weather officials deem the period between June 15 and September 30 as monsoon season, the time when the... Continue reading
Most people are so used to being able to control the temperature of their homes that they do not realize how much it contributes to their... Continue reading
Trane AC units lead the field in efficiency and performance. They run quietly and cool a home while saving the homeowner energy dollars. So when... Continue reading
Your air conditioning will only run as well as its parts function. When any single part breaks down, the air conditioner stops pumping out the... Continue reading
Air conditioners are built to operate well on their own. They don’t require tons of external manipulation. That said, they do require some, lest they... Continue reading
As you know, it’s important to be proactive about your HVAC system maintenance. Well, now it’s become critical! If you have not had an AC... Continue reading