As the temperature rises, many people look for summer energy saving tips that not only will help them save money, but also allow them to live comfortably. The problem with many energy saving tips is that they tend to significantly impact your daily routines, can cause the home to be uncomfortable or even worse, require a complete restructuring of normal routines. However, if you follow these five simple summer energy saving tips, you’ll be able to live comfortably, but not significantly change the way you live each day.
Simple Summer Energy Saving Tips You’ll Love
Tip #1 – Have your AC Unit Inspected Before Summer
If you’re reading this in mid-July and its 114 degrees outside, feel free to say “thanks for the tips pal”. But seriously, the reason you want to have your AC unit inspected prior to the hot weather showing up is because it will allow your AC unit to run much smoother once the hot weather arrives. If your AC unit is lubricated, belts checked, and refrigerant levels inspected before it gets too hot, it is estimated that you can save up to 15% on monthly energy costs. So – next year, make sure you have your AC unit inspected and tuned-up prior to summer.
Tip #2 – Use your Window Coverings
One of the quickest ways to heat up a room is to allow sunlight into the house. And with many new homes built with several windows, if there is room for sunlight to enter, it will rapidly increase the temperature. The result of this is that the AC unit will have to work harder to cool the house. So, the best tip we can offer is to make sure all your windows that have blinds or drapes are shut during the entire day. Your house might be a little bit dark, but you can simply adjust the blinds to let in some light to prevent this problem.
Tip #3 – Only Use Dishwasher and Washing Machines between 8pm – 8am
Using major appliances that use a lot of energy like dishwashers and laundry equipment during non-peak hours is a quick and easy way to save on your energy bills. Believe it or not, when you look at your monthly energy bill, you are often charged more for ‘peak hour’ usage than for non-peak usage. To remedy this, and also to help prevent rolling blackouts when it’s extremely hot outside, make sure you only use these appliances during off-peak hours in the evening or early morning hours.
Want to review SRP Peak Hours Info & APS Peak Hours Info
Tip #4 – Replace standard Light Bulbs with LED Bulbs
Did you know that LED light bulbs use about 1/5th the energy that standard light bulbs use daily? This is a huge number. And if you simply replace your standard filament light bulbs with LED bulbs, you can save a ton of money on your monthly energy bills without compromising comfort or changing any routines. This summer energy savings tip is easy, cost effective and will save you money the entire year. Head to Home Depot or your local hardware store today and get those replacement LED lights.
Tip #5 – Replace Your Air Filters Every Month
One of the most healthy summer energy saving tips we can suggest is to make sure you replace your air filters every months. This not only allows your air to circulate easier inside your home, which reduces the load on your AC unit and heater during winter, but also helps to circulate cleaner air throughout the year. The direct result is that you will breath cleaner air, and be less susceptible to illness caused by contaminates that circulate inside your home. If you have a hard time remembering every month be sure to LIKE us on Facebook – we send out a monthly reminder so you don’t forget!
If you follow these five summer energy saving tips, you’ll be able to stay cool, save money and live a much more comfortable life all summer long.
Looking to become more energy efficient and save some extra cash over the summer? Let Scottsdale Air, a quality Arizona AC company, help you reduce your energy costs with HVAC maintenance, repair or replacement. Call 480-359-7141 now!