For homeowners across Arizona, one of the most important decisions to be made is what kind of system they’ll use to heat their home and keep their families comfortable. The difficulty, however, is in knowing which heating system is right for you. If you’re unfamiliar with how heating systems in Arizona work, then you might be wondering how a heat pump and a furnace work together to keep your home warm and toasty.
Fortunately, with the right guidance, you can easily learn about heat pumps, furnaces, and how you can effectively heat your home. Learn how does a heat pump works with a furnace and discover what heating option you should choose to keep you and your family in complete comfort.
Think Replacement, Not Combination
The answer to how do heat pumps and furnaces work together is actually quite simple: they don’t. A heat pump and a furnace are two completely separate heating systems that homeowners can choose. Deciding which of these options is right for you is dependent on a few issues, but the most important one is probably the size of your home.
For example, if you have a larger home, then you might prefer a furnace so you can be sure that every room is heated to the level you want. On the other hand, for homeowners looking for a simple and effective solution for heating a home, heat pumps make a great choice.
Add a Heat Pump to Any Forced Air System
Perhaps the biggest advantage of replacing your old furnace with a heat pump is a matter of versatility. Although you might not realize, a heat pump can be retrofitted into any existing forced air system, potentially reducing your overall labor costs and shortening the amount of time it takes to install your new heat pump in your home.
A forced air system is a means of air distributions. Homes with forced air systems have ductwork and vents connected to a device like a furnace, heat pump or air conditioner in order to transfer air throughout the home and control the temperature. If you have a forced air system in your home and are considering installing a heat pump, ask Scottsdale heating technicians about your installation options and possible costs.
Heat Your Home Efficiently
A common worry of homeowners considering replacing their furnace with a heat pump is if they’ll be getting the level of heating efficiency that they deserve. Well, never fear, because heat pumps are one of the most effective heating solutions on the market and make for a perfectly suitable furnace replacement.
For starters, heat pumps are very easy to install, giving them an edge on furnaces in this category. Secondly, heat pumps are very energy efficient, lacking the requirement of a fuel source like you would expect out of a gas furnace. Simply put, heat pumps are a great choice for every homeowner throughout Scottsdale.
When you’re ready to update your home with a new heating system, your first step should be to consult with Scottsdale heat pump experts. Your heat pump expert can give you installation tips and help you pick the perfect heat pump for your home.
Contact the heating repair experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about repairing furnace or heat pump. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!
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